《权力的游戏》制片人弗兰克·多尔格要为德国ZDF电视台开发一部全新惊悚剧集《康考迪亚》(Concordia),设定类似《少数派报告》,数百万台摄像机连接到一个人工智能系统,该系统监控公民生活的方方面面,并在犯罪嫌疑人犯罪之前阻止他们,整个城市没有枪支,犯罪率为零,直到有一天,在郊区发现了一具尸体……该剧集已邀请《弗兰肯斯坦传奇》的编剧Mike Walden撰写剧本。
2024 海外简介:In Mr Bigstuff, estranged brothers Glen a nervy perfectionist striving to live the suburban ideal and Lee an alpha male with a prescription drug addiction and a biscuit tin full of his Dad’s ashes. The six-part series starts with Glen and his fiance sharing a perfectly mundane life together, until Lee comes crashing into their lives, while on the run from a past that’s catching...
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